Increased flower production!

By Lindsey Becker in Mortierella Flowering Reproduction

April 2, 2018

In this project, I had the opportunity to work with a plant-fungal system and answer questions as to how soil fungi can influence host plant reproduction. This research provides the basis for our interest in Mortierella elongata association and benefits to plants.


The fungus Mortierella elongata is commonly known as a decayer of organic matter, or saprophyte, that is dispersed globally in temperate climates. Recently, Mortierella elongata was isolated from roots of Populus deltoides (eastern cottonwood) and associated soil. While the fungus was recovered from the root interior, its role within the soil associated with roots (rhizosphere) is not known. Previous research examining plant growth promotion by M. elongata observed increased plant height in a variety of plants, including tomato and corn grown in field soil. This research provides the basis for our interest in M. elongata association and benefits to plants. 

We evaluated the effect of M. elongata on a solanaceous ornamental plant, Calibrachoa. Our results suggest novel effects of increased flowering abundance of plants amended with the fungus in a low nutrient environment. 

Posted on:
April 2, 2018
1 minute read, 176 words
Mortierella Flowering Reproduction
Calibrachoa Mortierella
See Also:
Increased Flower Production of Calibrachoa x hybrida by the Soil Fungus Mortierella elongata
Evaluation of calibrachoa cultivars for black root rot resistance, 2019.
Calibrachoa and Black Rot